Now and On

March 20, 2025

Again, one of my more complex dreams ensued last night, even after smoking weed which usually causes me not to dream. I have a problem of remembering a single notable event and just completely locking in on that one and forgetting a lot that came before it, this being the case with a bit of rockiness at home, leading to me getting kicked out which has never happened in real life before - but whatever i did i am definitely sure i deserved it. I then went to my friend's house, they began to morph into different forms but i remember it still being the same person, and as i had arrived, they were on the computer creating video edits of some anime character with crazy video effects and on a software with an extremely odd UI resembling a hybrid between ableton and premiere pro. A lot happened that i will not disclose because frankly i don't want to remember at all but i remember there was a very loud machine whirring and many people talking in the backyard, and as i left the house to take a walk around the neighborhood, i was able to view the operation and question about it when i passed around and ended up on the other side of the house. This friend was receiving 2 billion dollars to have an operation conducted in their backyard - reminiscent of the people who had to be paaid to have a fossil dug up from their home - to somehow transfer [redacted] into renewable energy through this machine which reminds me a lot of the pyrolysis experiments from Naturejab. After i leave from this house, i am somehow at the Golden state warriors basketball court with about 15 or so people , 2 people whom i remember - those being my math teacher and some kid i used to buy acid from, and we split into "even" teams to play basketball, and when i say even i mean it was 3 on my team including my math teacher and then the other 12 on the other team. This court was fascinating because i remember there were these restaurantish flapdoors behind us that led to some sort of store i can only describe as Inverted Costco, but i never went in and this is where th dream ends to the best of my memory.

March 18, 2025

In my efforts to catch my dreams on a much more frequent basis, i believe that by referencing them with such anal consideration conditioned my brain to subconsciously interact more with the area of my brain responsible for dreams - making them much more vibrant and also easier to remember. this dream is one of my favorites i've had in a while, containing a blend of many elements i see in my dreams that make them so notable - also just being one of the more complex dreams i've experienced in a long while. The dream starts out with drug imagery as it commonly does for some reason - probably just a subconscious reflection of addiction if i had to guess - i took 3 bars of xanax totalling 6 milligrams and as far as i know this didn't really hold any significance within the dream, there were no effects experienced, it was simply just the act of taking it. This was followed by a series of less memorable events - such as just existing in odd places doing mundane shit like sitting in a car on my phone and walking thru my neighborhood - which was also the exact same as it is in real life, just with christmas lights in this instance. i remember before the interesting pieces happened, i received a text from my father with a link to a song and a picture of a decapitated snow man that everybody in the neighborhood was putting in a collective effort to uphold - many offering the snow man ice bags for the warmer months. That was the last i saw of the snowman, leading into the interesting sector of this dream with one of the most fascinating occurrences ive seen thus far . I'm in a version of my house that looks so much more intimate and sleek, featuring another room off to the left of the garage with huge windows and diagonal walls and a lit fire place and a grand piano and a mac studio which is odd since ive never used a mac in my life but they keep coming up in my dreams just like they did with the dream on march 6th. i remember the computer having FL open though, and while i was in this weird room-garage-hybrid, there were 3 people in the studio area; it was someone from youtube who i can only guess was Annie LeBlanc, who was doing the vocals on the song they were working on, and then 2 women who seemed to be about 60-70 years of age. When they were working on this song, i remember hearing it and being so upset with the way it was sounding, it sounded like 2016 vlog music and the vocals were just horrible. i dont know what got into me here and i'm hoping this isnt some reflection of the real me but i very adamantly and pretentiously told the you-tube girl "please leave my home studio i've never heard anything this terrible in my life, let (old woman 1) and (old woman 2) record instead because i wont let something so tasteless and unrefined resonate within the walls of my own space." i guess i just went full executive producer on them but i guess disregarding the rudeness it was a good decision because after tinkering around with the instrumental and having the 2 of them sing on top of it instead, it created something i have never heard ANYTHING like in my entire life. i remember the layout of the project, but it didnt exactly correlate with the way the song sounded it was just 1 kick at the beginning of each 16 bars or so placed on the playlist, and one pattern above it with some airy pad and i guess whatever other content was in there too, and then on track 8 9 and 10 it was the two of their vocals. I could not ever do the way that song sounded justice by describing it, as it was unlike anything i had ever heard before , blending an insanely unique yet harmonious set of membraney textures with their beautiful vocals and that otherworldly melodic mixture which i will probably die trying to recreate now. I remember having to re-make it a few times because every 3 or so tries, my dad would enter the room and the song would somehow transform into something so horrible and commercial like it was crumbling away but i rebuilt it every time. the rest of the dream was just me and my friend in that garage and it became a really cool hideout with LED lights everywhere and canopies all neon blue and pink and purple and stuff

March 17, 2025

In this dream, i visited a dispensary with my family member or moreso waited outside, as i am not old enough to legally enter establishments with illicit substances for sale. my recollection is spotty but this occured after a string of events i cannot properly remember. My best attempt at making sense of the events previous goes as; i was in the house i lived in from ages 6-12, in petaluma, california, and i had been playing with some incomprehensible device in the way you'd interact with a cellphone. The parts i do remember after this were very oddly played out yet coherent at the same time i guess as all dreams are. to the extent my memory provides, i was at my desk at the same house playing some hybrid game that seemed to be a mixture of fiveduels on roblox and Quake, neither of which i care to play or have interacted with recently which stumps me a little bit as to why it was in my dream - anyway i had been connected to some sort of voice communication and the other players had been quite rude and annoying so as one does i told this one player to kill himself, and i thought i'd seen the end of it but as my life proceeded, the man i told to end his life kept popping up and tainting aspects of my life karmically , repaying me for my rash comment.

After this, i visit my dear friend's residence and as i am about to come in, her mother informs me she has received word of the incident and does not harbor any ill will towards me, and reminds me its okay to lash out some times but also informs me she knows the person i made the comment to, and that he had contacted her to poison me and end my life.

I believe this part came before, but there was also a brief LSD trip sprinkled somewhere in the dream that i was at my desk for the whole time, the sensations of which have completely been spaced on, i'm just sure it did happen and it was very mundane when it did and only lasted for about 20 minutes for some reason - reminiscent of some sort of DMT happening instead although i am sure i did administer a paper tab.

March 16, 2025

this dream occured after a very long conversation with my dear friend, that of which i had listened to the song Boy Girl by jalen tuna twenty or more times for, and continued to listen in my sleep. i am still unsure what place i hold in this dream, but i only remember a few key details, and i cannot be so sure of those themselves. From what i can remember, i was five minutes from my current home - unchanged, the environment was the exact same as it is away from the dream, and i [take "i" lightly, as i was in third person] was driving some tan jeep wrangler, trying to run somebody over which could have also been me - as i took the perspective of this person and was being chased by the jeep. In the car, i know for certain that Raf Shermen's music was playing, however i cannot recall any song in specific, it felt more like some large amalgamation of all the songs he's made.

whether i end up getting hit or hitting this person is unclear, i very much wish i could remember the other details as i know for sure that there were more events, somehow divorce-centric to some capacity - which as far as i know was an important element to the dream and the car incident - i believe the person getting hit was somebody the wife cheated on the husband with but that's purely theoretical.

Previous Recollections

some time in july 2023

i have previously recorded this dream and will do my best to find record of it after i try my best to scrape this from some very deep shelves just off the top of my head; in this dream, the first scene goes as such: i am at an air bnb in some california texas hybrid with many diagonal walls and extremely high ceilings. i open the pantry to see a beige leather la-z-boy, with moderate wear and tear, my aunt is in the room with me and we move the chair out of the pantry and i sit on it immediately before we leave the house. we get in her car and the seats have some sort of skin-seeping oil that alters your reality and allows you to pass through into a secret reality that has all different people, surroundings, and sights. we are driving for a while until we appproach this extremely large concrete freeway twirl colllection with 10 or so different paths that are reminiscent of this 2016 honda ad and for a while it is just concrete but as this secret chemical seeps into my skin, the surrounding roads and bridges turn completely into grass, trees, and wood structures with many many many people all wearing the same outfit, black sweat pants and a white tanktop... it is almost factory-like the way they operated. the structures themselves were all vastly different variations of treehouses with extemely complex inner architecture - it felt almost as though i was in a series of not just singular rooms in one museum - but multiple different museums entirely. some notable events from this junglish scape were ladders you had to climb up that had rectangle pizza inbetween the steps, and you could either eat it or slice it off with the knife but you could not ignore the pizza - almost like those whisper things from the roblox game "doors" that you have to acknowledge or else theyll hurt you. i also vividly remember going to the sunglasses treehouse, that was like a wooden version of the console from inside out. i was there with my dearest most truest and noble chap of all, Yung Grundleheim as you all know him, trying out all sorts of shades. i also remember i transferred consciousnesses with a girl who looked very similar to me, whom i was possibly related to in this world, so we could tradeoff the tasks we each had to take care of in the moment, instead of just switching them ourselves. i remember the task i was faced with when i was in this body was to observe and take notes on a version of me when i was 6 that had superpowers, more specifically superspeed and super strength, and i had to somehow dampen this young me's abilities. if i remember correctly, everyone here had different superpowers - as they were flying around and swinging from trees in ways humans could never achieve.

As i write this, i am reminded of another dream i had many many years ago in the same exact setting, same people, same outfits etc., i did not connect the two until this very moment. this dream was very long and had a lot more depth than i can currently remember - the only thing that comes to mind right now is that i was there on a very long tree branch and we all had tree phones and it was our last 2 days on earth. this armageddon was either only applicable to the secret tree world though, if i'm recalling correctly.

March 28, 2024 - notes app

from notes app [ abridged ]:

had a dream i was staying in portland but it was in france also and i was there with my friend, and grandma in a 3 room airbnb and my friend alotted us all 3 xanax each and then him and grandma left and evanora unlimited and she diamond were staying there with me as well as 2 other people and then evanora got really sick from smoking some synthetic weed that wasnt k2 but something else and then i walked down to a market where you had to wear a white bear fursuit helmet or youd get robbed (i was originally supposed to go with my dear day 1 noraware) n i got a huge diamond 3x the size of a basketball and i met some girl that had public freakouts on instagram reels, she was supposedly my coworker and she kept singing songs on our way back to work or the airbnb. i forget which one somewhere in the dream i kept goimg back to work and then school that part was all hazy My job was in the back of some brick building and then i was going on a field trip to see the golden state warriors play in some vip lounge withmy school and young ecco2k was there and we talked and he showed me some engraved knife he had that had some 4 letter word on it.

December, 2022 - from memory

this dream is maybe the most memorable out of any i have ever had, it began in the back field of the first highschool i attended, and was attending at the time of this dream. the field looked just like it usually does except it was extremely wide and very vibrant, and almost all the buses in the pick up area were empty except for one, which i got on and saw a few of my friends from different places, totaling to about 14 people on the bus as a whole. we took off and instead of dropping people off at their homes, people just got dropped off at different schools. however, nobody seemed to get off or on the bus until the very last stop - which all of us got off on. it was a school that had some sort of wolf and gerbil hybrid as it's mascot, and every wall was completely silver but in a sanded sheet metal kind of way and not a mirror kind of way, it had white tiled floors and not a single wall had a 45 degree angle anywhere. every wall was disproportionately slantedin a very pleasant way, almost following the natural generation pattern of a Geode of some sort. there were also lockers that were inlets in the wall and scatereed randomly, with foot-wide entrances and every "locker" seemed to lead into some room , maybe some dormatory bullshit - i dont fully remember what was inside cause i never looked. the group of people i was traveling with all traveled to the gym, where we all sat on the bleachers and had 2 authority figures explain the situation we were in. there was a velvet stand like the ones they have at flea markets, like those tent things you set up standing on 4 poles with functionally just a roof over you. however this one had a velvet covering on each side so what was inside of it was hidden. we opened it and went inside to see a snow globe, with a ring in the direct middle - suspended outward by chains somehow connected to the glass, keeping it in the center. we all were instructed to fight to the death with rubber hammers to receive the ring and i obviously won, as it was my dream, and i got the ring but that was it, it didnt grant any sort of value or power i just killed thirteen people with a rubber hammer for a cool ring. woke up after that

No later than March 6th 2025

yet another brief dream, this one was quite fascinating as it is one of my favorite genres of dreams - tip toeing on the line between a completely normal situation and a strange absurd circumstance. in this dream i had taken the form of another artist who i will not disclose because it is slightly embarrassing and probably telling of some sort of subconscious nonsense. that aside, i had become this person, and i had a younger sibling, and my mother was Ava, the principal from the TV series abbott elementary. we were in some big smooth concrete house like the main house from the tv series "the trunk" on netflix, and it was me, ava, and my younger sibling all around a computer and Logic pro was pulled up onto it - with a remake or interpolation of diva by beyonce on it, but the lyrics were speaking of another character from abbott elementary, tariq, played by zack fox. I love this dream very much because it's just such an unlikely blend of situations and ideas that are really fascinating to arrive at - i remember there was definitely more beforehand - taking place in the same setting from another odd yet unmemorable dream i had, that involved the outside of some establishment like a doctors office or something, with sleek architecture.

Misc. scenes from dreams that lack context

today i remembered there was a scene in a dream taking place in presumably 2016 or so, but was dreamt in maybe 2018-2019? the location was the gym of this establishment i used to go to after school and during the summers, being about double in size with much more vibrant sunsat lighting than usual, and it was just me and this kid named Josh and we were holding tennis rackets, but not playing tennis - moreso just hitting each other. except i was not getting any hits in, i was being whacked completely across the gym at lightspeed by josh's tennis racket.